Opportunities for young European Scientists

Call for applications for your European scientists to be hosted  by dr Ariom Thaddaeus Obaji, Institute of Food Security, Environmental Resources and Agricultural Research, Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta (FUNAAB), in Nigeria.

Requested profile:

1 - must be a national from a European country, from Bsc to PhD level and aged below 30 years old.

2 - Interested in developing an +Internship Program that allows young European scientists to experience the specific challenges, opportunities, and context of climate change and agricultural research in Africa.

3- Being able to travel and stay in Nigeria at least for one Month (according to the brochure).

The programs will enable them to visit and conduct research in a diverse African environment and broaden their perspectives on agriculture and food systems in varying landscapes.

The interested candidates should contact: andreiaamaral@fmv.ulisboa.pt


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